See Better, Do Better

Athletic performance is a complex series of neural firings and chemical reactions based on voluntary and involuntary sensory input and interpretation. Athletic movement depends on neurons communicating via electrical impulses. Both speed and accuracy depend on how fast communication happens in the brain. By activating visual neurons repeatedly, ability to send electrical signals between neural synapses increase.
Many interrelated vision skills, such as visual acuity, depth perception, reaction times and peripheral vision affect how well you play your sport. Just like muscles, neurons need to be trained or they get weaker and less effective. If you want to compete at the topof your game, having great vision is an important factor.
Eye dominance is when the brain prefers the input from one eye over the other. Although most people never check for their dominant eye, ocular dominance has effects on everyday perception. Research demonstrates that people are more accurate in their movements when they use the dominant eye, which makes images appear clearer and larger.
One study showed that performance in locating items was faster when subjects only used their dominant eye. Scientists also found that when the dominant eye takes over, information from the non-dominant eye may get repressed. In other words, the brain can chose to ignore the input from the non-dominant eye.
Ocular eye dominance affects reaction times and performance. It is very important to train each eye separately in order for information to reach the brain faster and more effectively.
Shneor, E., and S. Hochstein. “Eye Dominance Effects in Feature Search.” Journal of Vision, vol. 5, no. 8, 2010, pp. 699–699., doi:10.1167/5.8.699.

Ocular Dominance And Visual Processing

Over 80% of our knowledge derives from our visual system. The relevance in sports is unparalleled by any other body system; or your eyes direct the movement of your body. Ocular dominance is a significant barrier to great performance since peripheral vision is not fully developed. This imbalance results in slower movements and diminished athletic perfromance.
Just as you prefer to use your right or left hand, the brain tends to prefer visual input from one of the eyes. One eye works harder and sends more visual information to the brain. In sports, movement and reflexes depend on the speed of visual processing which determine reaction time.
Studies have shown that people perform better visually when using their dominant eye, which occurs is because the dominant eye has priority in visual processing in the brain. Determining which eye is dominant and training the non-dominant eye can give you an advantage on the field, court or gym.

“It is very important to have better eye sight for all kind of sports and bloo is the answer to bring your performance to the next level”
Ian Jordan, Vision Consultant, UK

“Many people are unaware everyone has a preferred eye, a dominant eye and it can be trained with bloo sports system”
Florette Larock, Optometrist & Orthoptist, Belgium
Your Next Step To Improving Sports Performance

bloo sports was inspired by the increasing research on vision and sports performance and by working closely with professional athletes. We believe that to improve the connection between the eyes and brain through binocular training is key to increased performance and a higher quality of life. Binocular visual training stimulates your proprioceptors, your vestibular system and improves your depth perception.
bloo sports consist of a tablet computer or touch screen device with specially developed coating and a pair of bloo glasses. You can choose from a variety of training games to train different parts of your vision such as depth perception, reaction times and peripheral vision. The coating on both screen and glasses allows you to train each eye separately.
How To Use bloo Sports:
1. Wear bloo glasses

Play our training game apps on the tablet or touch screen device while wearing our glasses.
2. Play at least one hour a day

NOTE – Prolonged usage can cause eye fatigue. Please take a break if you play more than one hour.
3. Check your sports vision

Sports vision tests very vary, depending on the athlete’s individual needs. Make sure to track your sports vision with your training coach or our experts.
Give Us Your Voice
We strive for continual improvement and progress. We love to hear from athletes, physical coaches, optometrists and more for your needs and your advice you want to share.
Or let us know if you are interested in pursuing a business partnership to bring the best binocular sports vision training system to the world together.
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